
The word singsation describes the shiver that you get down your spine at certain moments when you sing a great song.  A shiver that is more likely to come if you are in a large group, with friends and losing yourself “in the moment”.   Singsation! is an organisation dedicated to bringing that thrill to as many people as possible.

Singsation! has organised two events which transformed traditional  “community singing” into “mass karaoke”.

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If you are interested to know more about who organises Singsational Nottingham!, here is a bit of information about me:

Chris Bridges biographical notes

Chris has been singing since he was born.  Just ask his sister who he used to embarrass by “la la-ing” his favourite melodies as they walked to school!

After joining a church choir at the age of seven, Chris conducted his first choral performance in a school House Music Festival when he was twelve.  A comment from a fellow pupil “You don’t conduct properly; you just wave your arms in time with the music” is as true today as it was all those years ago.

Shortly after this Chris began to play the organ in local churches and as a result of this he started leading adult choirs – often stepping into “dead mans shoes” (literally!), but collecting valuable experience along the way about what makes a great song and how to get a group of singers to communicate the true meaning of the music.

Chris studied chemistry at university, but he enjoyed the music so much, he stayed on for an additional three years to do a PhD.  Whilst studying he accompanied and then conducted the University Chamber Choir and ran his first “Singing Day” musical workshops.  He also acted as musical director for a number of student productions as well as acting as chorus master for several “Messiah from Scratch” events.

After completing his studies Chris conducted the British Methodist Youth Choir for a couple of years and continued to sing and conduct regularly with local choirs and groups.  In 2006 Chris was instrumental in establishing student musical activity at Nottingham Trent University.  By organising and facilitating musical days, regular weekly rehearsals and performances, Chris was able to justify the appointment of a full-time musical director at the University.  Musical life at Nottingham Trent is now rich and varied and Chris is extremely proud of his role in providing the foundations for these developments.

Chris continues to sing, conduct a choir and organise musical workshops.  However, these activities are more suited to people who have experience of singing regularly in a group and can read music.  The popular success of TV programmes such as “The Choir” have inspired Chris to go one step further organise Singsational Nottingham! as a evening of singing for everybody and anybody.  There are thousands of songs that everyone “knows” even if they do not realise it.  At Singsational Nottingham! everyone can come along and sing some of them, as much as they like, as well as they like, with no pressure and no rehearsal.  Just a willingness to join in and have fun!

Copyright C Bridges 2014

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